Take back control of your life!

If you are ready to use the power of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions, you've come to the right place.

My name is Sofie Swing, a Certified Professional Hypnotist.

With me, we will customize your hypnosis experience. 

Do you want to live a life in which you feel comfortable and confident in your abilities?
A life where you're in control and are the creator of your life.
How do you feel about yourself and how you have to love yourself is the building blocks in place for that to happen.
Imagine the feeling of being confident in all aspects of their lives. Professionally, personally, and in relationships, when you speak in front of others, when you are going to perform.

The feeling of walking into a room or a situation and to feel confident and secure with who you are.
To build a strong sense of self, a belief in yourself is so important.
We are based is often our thoughts and feelings on the experience of the past.

However, just because something was hard, and yesterday, it does not mean that it must be a hard time for now.
This may be the reason for that is the light of today.
Feelings come from thoughts that we think, then, by changing your thoughts about yourself and your capabilities and strengths, it will also be the result of change.

So, let's talk about your challenges, and the changes you desire in your life. 

All changes start with you.


Have you like me tried countless number of diets and struggled with the fear of what you can and can't eat?

The feeling of not being allowed to eat what you like and think about.

Or in worse case, eat what you don't prefer because the diet say you should.....


The root of the cause to our struggle most often starts with a low self esteem and lack of self worth.

The feeling of not being enough.

Not being good enough..
Feeling of not being like everyone else and not feel a sense of belonging and experience of.....


Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools to release anxiety, concern and stress. It's a life changing experience.

Are you sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and scared in situations with which you are perfectly safe.

This is a process about letting....……


It's so easy to look down on the bad habits and vices. 

However, behind each and every action features a the positive intention of the

We hold on to what is familiar and to keep us away from what is familiar.
Even if the behavior is not good for us in the long run, so......


Stress isn't just a matter of finding the time to keep up with things. The feeling of the day for a few hours.

Sure, it may be that we, at times, has a lot to do, but it is the ongoing, internal stress it is possible to experience something different.

The interior of the stress you may be experiencing and when it's…….


Fears that can hold a person back from the to the enjoy a productive, happy life.

No matter if it's with a fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of medical procedures, or for any other fear, it's about the same thing:
A belief in the use of the subconscious mind and your imagination. As you know, the one thing, however,…..

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När någonting går dåligt i livet är det lätt att fastna i att bara fokusera på just det. Kanske går all energi till att hitta en lösning eller kanske ger man bara upp och tänker att det inte finns någon lösning.Problemet kan vara plötsligt, akut eller något man dragits med en längre tid som till exempel en rädsla, oro eller dålig självkänsla. Oavsett, så är det viktigt när livet känns tungt att fokusera på det som faktiskt är bra. När en klient kommer till mig så frågar jag alltid; På en skala från 1-10 var ligger du nu?Även om siffran kan tyckas låg, kanske 3 eller 4, så frågar jag; Hur kommer det sig att den är så hög?Det kan tyckas märkligt, men anledningen att jag gör det är för att det är så viktigt att lägga fokus på det som redan är bra för att lättare kunna förändra det som är dåligt.Det är lite som att se glaset halvtomt eller halvfullt.När vi är nere behöver vi något som drar oss upp. Så ställ dig själv frågan, vad är 3 saker som är bra i ditt liv just nu. Svaren du får kan hjälpa dig att i alla fall för stunden flytta fokus och dra dig ur den dåliga spiral du befinner dig i.Behöver du mer långsiktig hjälp med att bryta känslor som oro, ångest, rädslor eller låg självkänsla för att kunna leva det liv som du önskar är du välkommen att höra av dig. Det första samtalet är alltid gratis. ... See MoreSee Less -
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VI BEHÖVER ALLA FÅ KÄNNA ATT VI DUGER SOM VI ÄR!Vi får inte höra tillräckligt ofta att vi duger som vi är. Varför? För att vi inte har för vana att säga det till varandra och än mindre säger vi det till oss själva.Den viktigaste personen i ditt liv vars åsikt väger tyngst och påverkar dig allra mest är du.Det är lätt att tro att det viktigaste är vad andra tycker och tänker om dig. Så pass att du vänder ut och in på dig själv för att vara till lags och uppfylla alla de önskningar och krav du tror att andra har på dig. Jag säger tror, för det handlar om dina föreställningar, dina tankar eller fantasier om hur saker är eller borde vara.Jag träffar hela tiden människor som mår dåligt på grund av att de inte känner att de räcker till. Att de känner att de borde vara på ett annat sätt. SÄGER VEM?Vem kan tala om för någon annan hur den ska vara, känna eller tänka?Vem kan tala om för någon att de inte duger som de är?Ingen kan det och du borde inte heller säga det till dig själv.Om du känner igen dig och känner att nej, nu är det verkligen dags att lägga ned självkritiken och börja älska och respektera dig själv, så hör av dig.Vi kan prata om din situation idag och om hur du önskar att det var istället. För förändring är möjlig, den finns bara ett beslut bort. Ett beslut att nu får det vara nog! Nu är det hög tid att börja må bra!Vad kan du göra för dig själv idag som får dig att må bra? ... See MoreSee Less -
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Om du alltför ofta känner dig stressad, orolig eller rädd, ta en minut och fortsätt att läsa. Stress, oro, rädsla, ångest är känslor många drabbas av ibland medan andra dras med dem konstant. Frågan är vad som ligger bakom de känslorna och om anledningen ens är relevant idag eller om det är spår från en svunnen tid.Vad jag menar är att tex en oro för att misslyckas, att bli bedömd eller ratad kommer från en föreställning om dig själv att du inte är bra nog och därför troligen inte kommer att godkännas av andra. Den föreställningen skulle jag säga är en konsekvens av din låga självkänsla. Eller den där stressen över att vara, prestera, leverera det du tror att andra förväntar sig av dig, istället för att själv bestämma vad som är ok för dig att vara, prestera och leverera.Den stressen skulle jag säga är en konsekvens av din låga självkänsla. Eller ångesten, när ens egna inre önskningar är så överröstade av yttre krav och förväntningar att man tappar kontrollen. Den tystade inre rösten skulle jag säga är en konsekvens av din låga självkänsla, att din egen känsla är inte viktig nog att lyssna på.När jag dundrade in i väggen för några år sedan i total utmattning var stress, oro och ångest mina ständiga följeslagare. Stress över att inte “ha tid” att vara sjukskriven, oro över vad som skulle hända och ångest över att helt tappat kontrollen över mitt liv och ett självförakt över att inte varit stark nog att stå emot. Lite visste jag då att det var bagage från flera år tillbaka som tillslut tog ut sin rätt och slog omkull mig. Vi föds alla med en god självkänsla. Vi förutsätter att vi ska få våra behov tillfredsställda. Bebisar skriker för att signalera att de är trötta, hungriga och förväntar sig att få sina behov uppfyllda. Små barn kan med lätthet prata om saker de är bra på och le mot sin egen spegelbild med kärlek i blicken. Självkänsla kan förbli stark så länge som ingen annan människa eller händelse går in och ruckar på den som får dig att tvivla på att du faktiskt är bra nog precis som du är. Det är oftast svårt att sätta fingret på vad som gjorde att vi tappade vår goda självkänsla från början. Varför vi började tvivla på vår egen förmåga, på oss själva att vara den som vet vad som är bäst för oss själva och istället lät andra människor eller yttre omständigheter sätta kursen och ta över rodret för vårt liv. MEN oavsett om vi vet eller inte så är ändå det viktigaste att vi KAN bygga upp vår självkänsla igen.Med en god självkänsla kan vi också göra oss fria från ständig stress, oro, rädsla och ångest. Det var den vägen jag tog och också den väg jag hjälpt många andra att ta. Ta tillbaka kontrollen över sitt liv och sitt mående.Om stress, oro, rädslor eller eller ångest är en för stor del av ditt liv, så ta chansen att boka ett kostnadsfritt samtal med mig så att jag kan dela med mig av hur du kan förbättra din självkänsla och släppa taget om stressen, oron, rädslan och ångesten. Så att du äntligen kan känna dig fri att leva det liv som du vill och mår bra av. ... See MoreSee Less -
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Time to let go of worries, fears and stress. The opportunities are far more than the obstacles. You are enough just the way you are❤️ ... See MoreSee Less -
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When we use hypnosis, so that we can create an intrinsic motivation to make good, healthy choices for both nutrition and workouts.

  • Change your thinking and behavior around food and treats.
  • To be measured in terms of the smaller quantities of food.
  • Re-program your eat habits.
  • Make the healthier choice.
  • Get motivated to exercise on a regular.
  • To be free from the craving.
  • Get more energy,.
  • Go to the bottom of the bay

Have you like me tried countless number of diets and struggled with the fear of what you can and can't eat?

The feeling of not being allowed to eat what you like and think about.
Perhaps, in the worst case scenario, and with the eat of it you don't like, because it is the diet that you have to be there?

When we are in a very restrictive what we have are eating over a period of time, and when we allow ourselves to be eating normally again, it is light that we are loss of control and eat a lot.

All of us have been involved in the you know how it feels. How do we beat down on us in order that we may yet again have failed. Then, it is also easy to punish yourself by eating more. The feeling of, “well, I've already failed”.

Once you learn how to be listen to your body and, just to give it it it needs to be eat what you like in the right amounts, so you don't have to follow a strict diet. It's all about having a a healthy relationship with food and our bodies.

I'm sure you know what you should be eating and how to move on in order to go to the bottom of the weight. So, what is it that is stopping you from doing it?

The answer is that it is the part of your mind that you don't really benefited from the convenience of your own imagination.

It is your imagination is like to play the game by now, I am stressed out, frustrated, angry, sad, some kind of emotional trigger, and assuage the feeling I like to eat. Even if you know that you're not hungry.

Or maybe you're a person who tends to be eat a lot. Also, when you are actually measured, so as you look for a relation to something or the other to be placed in the mouth.

So, it's all about to alter the pattern of how we eat, when, and why. Give your body the fuel when it needs it, and to manage our feelings and emotions in any other way other than eating.

When you are given and to the motivation to really change change your eating habits and lose weight, you can achieve great results.

So, instead of fighting against himself, trying to find the motivation is there, it is not available, we can to get the mind and body to cooperate. This allows you to hear the signals of the body that tells you when it is hungry or full.

If the weight loss was simply a matter of tactics and methods, so there would be no need to suffer from obesity. It's not just about what you eat, but what to gnaw at you.

My own and my clients ' results are, in addition to the weight that humans have become with sugar cravings, stopped to numb the feelings and emotions with food, we have eat consciously and do not treat our bodies like trash cans, will be feed fasterwe have learned to listen to your body and its signals, and to eat only when we are physically hungry, and had more energybeen happier and happier.

I think you can agree with me when I say that the only thing we want is to feel good in and not have to constantly worry about what, when, where, and how are we supposed to eat. We would like to be able to enjoy the food don't have to starve ourselves to be hungry, and we want to energy, enjoy your life and be that as best we can.

So now you may wonder, is it going to work for me.

I think that you have tried countless methods to lose weight, and I'm sure you have realized by now that not only is your habits that need to change, but also their thoughts and feelings.

Take a look at the video, with my partner, Anna below, read some of the comments made by some other clients. And, instead of asking yourself if it is going to work for you, so instead you how you are going to make it work for you.

My fear of failure, and that failure has always held me back from even daring to dream.
Thoughts such as, who am I, I have from the childhood, where I was told that it was a bad thing to stand out, the cum is to take place.
With the session, I realized that my sense of self was not actually mine. Had I been with me throughout my life.
All of the sudden begin to see is my own worth and my potential, I have dared to take the plunge and start their own business.
A dream I have had for a long time.
sofie favicon


It's like a day when you'll walk into a room, perhaps, for fun, to meet new people.

  • You are straight in the back.
  • In your eyes, it's easy to make contact with other people.
  • You are comfortable in your own skin.
  • You are able to easily talk with other people.
  • You are sure of yourself.

The root of the cause to our struggle most often starts with low self-esteem and lack of self-worth. A sense that the 't be enough. To be not good enough. Also, the feeling of not being like the others and did not feel a sense of belonging and to feel that the man does not want to be available to you. 

With these feelings, as a result, it is not uncommon that the development of addiction, fear, anxiety, känsloätande, depression is like A bad self-image negatively affect your personal life, your job, your relationships, your physical and mental health. 

To create a healthy self-esteem opens up the opportunity to begin to lead their lives on their own conditions to follow their dreams come truethat is not to care about what other people think about you, that the courage to stand up for himself and the courage to listen to his own intuition,. 

With a sense of self, you can begin to appreciate yourself more, you will to find a new source of energy and the beginning faith more yourself. With hypnosis, you work out, your mind and your thoughts to be need to think more positively build up your self-worth, and the your self-confidence.

Hypnosis can provide you with the motivation and belief in your own value. The to help you with the letting go of old patterns and actions, and to create a new, positive thoughts and the emotions that are more in tune with who you want to be.

The truth is that, no matter what it is you're struggling with, then, is the basis of a belief in yourself and that you can indeed succeed.

Smokers who believe in themselves more easily to dispose of cigarettes. 

With the self-esteem, it is more fun to talk in front of others. A person who wants to lose weight will make it easier when s/he believes that s/he is capable of.

Imagine the changes that can happen in your life, when you walk in your best self.

We are going to start work immediately in order to identify the most unnecessary and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. We are going to change the story you tell yourself. We're going to turn it around and get it out of your system in such a way that you will be able to feel the change.

We break your the old patterns of thought and to install the new self-confident, thoughts, and feelings.

There's nothing wrong with you!!! And all that could have been you through all of your life experiences that you've done so far, would be likely to feel, and behave in the same way as you do. Think of it as a ”virus” on a personal computer. Through hypnosis, you can remove the unwanted ”programming”, and installing more efficient habits and behaviors.

I realized that I was carrying with me a lot of trauma from my childhood, that, taken together, have created a very, very low self-esteem.
I have always believed in myself, and have, therefore, never daring to take the place of, or to express my point of view. I have always tried to please others.
As a result, a lot of concerns and fears of being judged, rejected, and being called into question.
With my new-found self-esteem, I know that I am valuable to me.
I can see my strengths and skills are. As I said, is no longer up to me personally, but listen in and decide with your heart.
Hypnosis has opened up so many doors for me.
sofie favicon
A preschool teacher


Break free from the stress and stress and anxiety. Live your best life.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools to release anxiety, concern and stress. It's a life changing experience.

If you are sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and scared in situations in which you consciously know that you're absolutely sure, then this may be the most important of any of the information you have read in a long while.

This is a process about letting.... at all. This differs dramatically from all the things you have done in order to release anxiety, stress, and anxiety.

Stress isn't just a matter of finding the time to keep up with things. The feeling of the day for a few hours.

Sure, it may be that we, at times, has a lot to do, but it is the ongoing, internal stress it is possible to experience something different.

The interior of the stress you may experience when they connect themselves to the stomach, where it's pressed into your chest and head pounding about the expectations of the. The expectations we have of ourselves, due to the we think of ourselves. It may be fear to be criticized, opt-out, debated, e.g.

When we are constantly exposing ourselves to the stress, both physical and mental health consequences. Many times we are trying to cope with stress is to eat, drink, shop, or other behavior that makes us feel less stress, and without, perhaps, even more stress-free.

The term stress, we can actually make use of everything that we put in our body, which is a good thing. In this way, the first thing we must do in order to decrease our stress levels, to to take care of ourselves, to listen to the needs of the, to set boundaries. One of the first steps to improving your self-esteem, through an understanding of their own values.


This type of stress is rooted in low self-esteem, and low self-esteem. With a desire to help others rather than have to meet their own needs it creates an imbalance in the system.

When we are constantly exposing ourselves to the stress, both physical and mental health consequences. Many times we are trying to cope with stress is to eat, drink, shop, or other behavior that makes us feel less stress, and without, perhaps, even more stress-free.

The term stress, we can actually make use of everything that we put in our body, which is a good thing. In this way, the first thing we must do in order to decrease our stress levels, to to take care of ourselves, to listen to the needs of the, to set boundaries. One of the first steps to improving your self-esteem, through an understanding of their own values.

We'll start with that identification what features kept you a back to indexso that you are able to let go of it. Hypnosis is the process of unlocking your talent to take back control what you are doing.

We have to work together in order for you to be able to let go of what has held you back. You're going to learn powerful hypnotic strategies in order to turn the old weaknesses of the new forces.

You will learn how EMOTIONAL DETOX is the method so that you can take back control of the feeling, before it is to take control of you.

We will use the hypnotic anchor there you will find the road out of the old problems are also a way out of it.

We're going to get your your senses work together in order to support you instead of holding you back.

To be guided into a deep relaxation to Sophie's calm, confident, and empathetic voice, I could easily come up to one of the great traumas of his childhood, and get to release it.
With the release of the feeling can't be described in words, but it's the closest I can come up with is that it was like being born again.
On the day after the session, there was a large open space within me.
I highly recommend Sophie and her transformative sessions.
sofie favicon


Live as if the goal has already been reached

It's so easy to look down on the bad habits and vices. 

However, behind each and every action there is a the positive intention of the. 

We hold on to what is familiar and to keep us away from what is familiar. Even if the behavior is not good for us in the long run, we can feel confident in continuing. It is quite simply, as a survival mechanism. 

By using hypnosis we can help your mind, to generate a new behavior that, actually, support you, and meet your emotional needs.

The first thing to do is to identify a problem, turn it around and get it out of your system in such a way that you are immediately to be able to experience the change. 

There's nothing wrong with you. And all that could have been you through all of your life experiences that you've done so far, is likely to feel and behave in the same way as you do. Think of it as a ”virus” on a personal computer. Through hypnosis, you can remove the unwanted ”programming”, and installing more efficient habits and behaviors.

Maybe, do you bite your nails? Maybe it's time to quit smoking? Are you stressed out, and the gnashing of the teeth. Candy is a problem?

Eliminating undesirable habits don't have to be a difficult task. It's all about the breaking of the old pattern and to install the new.

Maybe you've heard about the “the law of the dominant mind.?

When you focus your mind completely on what you don'T want to reinforce the fact the mental patterns that deals with the unwanted behavior.

Keep in mind, a person who wants to lose weight. If they do that, sweets, and desserts are an issue, and they continue to say to themselves, ”don't Eat so much sugar', reminds us they are simply themselves, over and over again candy is a real problem for them. Instead, the the person should focus on what they want to do”I'd like to eat more fruit and vegetables”. Also, it would be easier to drink less soda by drinking more water.

If there is something that you want to give up in your life. Give yourself the best condition to be successful, by to remove the it's out of your life. 

It is 5 main emotions really it can affect your willpower in a bad way. This is for when you are feeling hungry, angry, lonely, tired, or stressed out. All of these feelings and emotions are truly distressing.

If you have a bad habit that you are working to eliminate, be sure to give yourself the best chance. Eating healthy meals and getting a full night's rest, maybe the easiest things you can do for yourself.

If you are going through a challenging period of time, make sure that you give yourself a moment of relaxation. Take a long bath, get a massage, or learn self-hypnosis.

Live as if the goal has already been reached.

You would spend more if you stopped smoking? Should you put in, the more money is in the savings on to you finished the impulsshoppa? Take the first step now and start making your changes.


Anyone who can follow instructions, and you want to make a change hypnotiseras. The procedure to come out of the hypnosis is the easiest part of the job, which means that we are 100% focus on creating the change and you're ready to take pleasure in.
One of the definitions of hypnosis is the bypassing of the critical parts of your mind. This is the auto-answer after you are consciously aware of them. Realizing that you are already aware of how you are going to eat, but you're not doing it yet. You will know how you should work out, but you have no idea.
Congratulations. You will hypnotize already in you. Let me, let me show you how you can use these "powers" in a positive way. So, you can have your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to work to your advantage.


To improve the performance. Professional, personal, and athletic.

To experience the stress and strain in the face of a situation, performance, or task that we all face.
Did you know that the hypnosis may to help you out both in the long-term and short-term with the tools in order to dealing with the stress, the worry, and anxiety.
With hypnosis, you can ease your mind, and in this way the to perform at your best.


In a situation in which the pressure you are high, we can easily end up in the feelings of anxiety about performing. 
Also, it can be hypnosis will give you the tools to need to relax and let go of the pressure.

Maybe you're a person who often talks ahead of the other, and each time it happens, are concerned.
Maybe you have the pressure on you to lead a team or a project, and the internal stress is ever-present.

Maybe this is for you keen to make a good impression on anyone.
No matter what your situation is, it is normal to feel anxiety about performing on the job.

Hypnosis will help you not only that, identification where your concerns is, without a to overcome them.
Soon will you be seen as quiet, cool, and collected in the workplace, and give to your colleagues, and how well you deal with it all.


If you are a sportsman/woman, you know that the pressure can be enormous.
Whether it's the pressure to stay in shape, or to perform in a big game, it can feel intimidating with all of the eyes on you.

If you notice that you are anxious for the match or events may hypnosis will give you the option to change the your way of thinking.

Not only will you have to be aware of exactly what is causing your anxiety in the moment, and you will be in a better position to deal with it in the future.

Instead of worry, you can you feel grounded, calm, and confident.

Hypnosis is going not only does that allow you to physically perform at its best, but it is going to - to provide you with a way of thinking that will allow you to perform at your peak.
Even if you're not a professional athlete, but have personal fitness, can hypnosis help with that, too.
If you have doubts about your ability of hypnosis to get you to see your own strengths.


As an artist, you can feel the vulnerability that you provide yourself to vårlden to be assessed.
No matter what it is that you're creating art, music, literature, allows you a part of yourself that could potentially come in for criticism. 
Understandably, this can cause a lot of anxiety. In order to combat this anxiety can be hypnosis will allow you to replace the negative thoughts with a feeling of positivity and self-confidence.

If you are a musician to make a major appearance, it is normal to feel worried about this in advance.
You may be worried about missing a note or forgetting the lyrics.
Hypnosis can change your mind and relieve you of the anxiety of optimism.
You know you have the skills, talent, and hypnosis will allow you to focus on that, rather than focusing on your fear. 

Performance anxiety is extremely common. You shouldn't be ashamed of your anxiety, but rather to realize that you don't have to live with it. It is possible that the overcome your fears with hypnosis, and improve both your physical and mental well-being.

You can avoid the agony, and, instead, to feel calm and focused. So stop doubting yourself.
Try hypnosis to be the best you can be!

how does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis can also be used to: to improve sleep, and enhance performance, as well as professionals as well as out on the golf course, giving up smoking, quit drinking alcohol, depression, relationships, and much, much more.


It's like a day when you'll walk into a room, perhaps, for fun, to meet new people.

Fears that can hold a person back from the to the enjoy a productive, happy life. No matter if it's with a fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of medical procedures, or for any other fear, it's about the same thing: A the irrational use of the the subconscious mind and fantasy. You have to know a thing, but still feel like you're on to something else. Think of a person who has a fear of flying. They probably know that it can be safer to 10 000 feet up in the air as they drove to the airport, and still feel like they have the symptoms of fear and anxiety.

If you are sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and scared in situations in which you consciously know that you're absolutely sure, then this may be the main information you will read in a little while.

This is the one process-focused to help you get from where you are now where would you like to be.

You may want to find out where this fear is coming from, but, instead, let's focus on that free yourself from the fear of the.

To know the why of it will probably make you feel better about yourself. Let it be a process of letting go.

Instead of a magnifying glass, imagining you instead of the idea of a slingshot. If we are ever to pull us back to the past experiences, our goal is to do so only with the intention of letting go.

Together, we will use the momentum to take it to the feeling you want.

So how can hypnosis help you?

The process is different, probably dramatically, from all the things you have done in the past, in order to let go of your fears. We begin to identify what has been holding you backwith it , releasing it, and clean it up.

Hypnosis the process lock it up your skills take back control of how you feel. We have to work together in order to release what has been holding you back.

You're going to learn powerful hypnotic strategies in order to turn the old weaknesses of the new forces.

Here are a few examples of our fears, we can work with:

Fear of flying, fear of spiders, public speaking, heights, driving a car, and the success of the medical procedure, loneliness, failure, small spaces, crowds, etc
